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    Epreuve orale (suite)


    Messages : 340
    Date d'inscription : 20/10/2007

    Epreuve orale (suite) Empty Epreuve orale (suite)

    Message  jeanlouis Sam 6 Sep - 18:13

    Suite Trevor William Felicia’s flashback
    Description de la photo
    The photo shows a row of teraced houses, all alike, in pastel colours, with a ground floor, an upper floor, sash windows ( fenêtres à guillotine), and a slate roof (toit d'ardoise). The house in the foreground is a bar, which can be assimilated with a pub. Judging from the owner's name, O'neill, we can infer that the photo is that of a typical Irish village, mos probably in Eire (i.e the Irish Republic). Besides, one can guess that the other buildings must consist of a village school, small shops, a post office, a town hall and maybe a catholic church (90% of the population in Eire is Catholic.) The inhabitants, who probably know one another, like in any small community, must lead very simple eveeryday lives, going about their business, some of them having a glass of beer at the bar in the evening ( a pint of guinness of course !)
    description des personnages grâce aux adjectifs
    Embarrassed "l. 21 Felcia began to stammer"
    Trustful:[/b] "l. 66-67 "If I gave you a letter would you send it on for me, mrs Lysaght ?"
    Pleading " l. 35 " I need the address, Mrs Lysaght for the second time "
    l. 28 "I know he wouldn't mind ' Felicia said again"*
    Mrs Lysaght
    Possessive l. 39 "Leave my son alone
    Scornful l.5-6 " My son wouldn't like his address given out to all and sundry"
    Deceitful l;72 "Very well, Mrs Lysaght agreed at last. But she did nothing"
    Indifferent l.39-40 "She spoke with emotion"
    Nasty l. 62-63 " Sweet as sugar, and then they're working like adders"

    Build up a portrait nof Mrs Lysaght.[/u]

    Mrs Lysaght is a plump, chubby-faced, red-haired, fifty-year-old woman with samll beady eyes and a scar on her cheek. The loss of her husband has caused her to be rather peevish ( grincheuse), sour-tempered (d'humeur acariâtre) and even nasty. She devotes her whole life to her son, and as a possessive mother, warns him against whichever girl he goes out with, not to ,mention Felicia, to whom she takes an instant dislike. Besides, she turns out to be a stickler for principles (à cheval sur les principes), and does not approve of the girl having had "contact enough" with Johnny. In a nutshell, she despises Felicia and even hates her

    Nathan McCall "Makes me Wanna Holler"
    l'objectif principal de l'auteur-narrateur est de montrer, d'une part que le racisme est omniprésent aux Etats-unis, aussi bien au bureau que dans la rue et, d'autre part, que les noirs y sont voués à la prison, à la mort violente et aux métiers sans avenir
    The author Nahan McCall was born to a black working class family in Portsmouth, Virginia, where he spent his childhood and teenage years. he studied journalism after serving three years in prison. he was a reporter of the Washington Post in 1989.
    The photo
    The photo shows two youg people, obviously in love with each,other, as they nare kissing and sitting closely. This is emphasized bynthe titles of the section and the text, and mad explicit enough by the use of the word "emotions". Therefore the text deals with the couple's relationship and feelings.
    The items relating to the characters' relatiionship
    They met in the halls of the school as Elizabeth was interested in the music the nnarrator was listening to. They usually nspent their free time listening to music, talking for hours on end at night at each other's house; or went bowling or dancing at weekends.
    The sentences showing the evolution of their relationship
    l. 28-30 "I was attracted nto her and she to me. We were both novelties to each other"
    l. 33-34 "Liz put me in touch with emotions I didn't know I had"
    l.55 "Liz and I eventually fell in love."

    [u]David Guterson
    Snow falling on Cedars
    Ce texte estrait du roman de david Guterson raconte le moment où la relation entre Ishmael et Hatsue va prendre fin à cause de lma guerre entre le japon et les etas-unis. Les deux adolescents sont pris dans la tourmente de la déportation des citoyens américains d'origine japonaise vers des camps de regroupement (dans l''Ouest des etats-Unis) qui les isolent du reste de la population américaine. Le livre qui date de 1955, traite des relations raciales entre les deux communautés après la Seconde guerre mondiale.

    The photo
    The photo from the film shot by Alan parker shows Lily, a japanese girl and her husband Jack (American) going back home after they got married
    in Seatlle. To get married Lily had to leave her family who denied her the right to marry a foreigner.
    Love labour's Losr (Peine d'amour perdue) fait référence à une pièce de Shakespeare
    Voici un résumé de la la structure dramatique de la pièce
    Au cours de l'acte I le serment du roi et de ses compagnons de se retirer du monde pendant trois ans et de ne plus voir de femme pour se consacrer à l'étude est l'obstacle qui empêche le roi de rencontrer la princesse dans des conditions normales, mais c'est aussi l'interdit qui contraint le groupe des hommes dans son rapport avec les femmes.

    L'acte II est celui de l'éclosion amoureuse. Les hommes, prisonniers de leurs serments tombent amoureux du groupe des femmes, chacun trouvant dans l'autre groupe celle de son choix.

    L'acte III, très court, est utilisé par Shakespeare pour introduire les deux lettres d'amour, celle d'Armado et celle de Biron, qui vont lui servir à créer le quiproquo de l'acte IV. Mais c'est aussi le moyen de mettre en évidence le thème majeur de la pièce, celui du langage amoureux, de la poésie.

    Dès le début de l'acte IV la princesse analyse la situation dont elle espère tirer parti et l'initiative revient au groupe des femmes. Alors que les hommes ont finalement renoncé à leur serment et décidé de se lancer à leur conquête amoureuse, ce sont les femmes qui sont les véritables chasseresses.

    Au cours de l'acte V, après l'inversion des lettres c'est l'inversion des rôles et le double jeu des masques qui crée la tension dramatique entre les deux groupes. La résolution se présente en deux temps, d'abord par une scène de réconciliation générale au cours d'une scène qui représente le théâtre dans le théâtre, les deux groupes se réconciliant sur le dos des comédiens, puis par l'annonce de la mort du père de la princesse qui permet de revenir à un ton plus noble et aux couples de s'échanger des promesses sur un ton moins badin. Les hommes parjures doivent faire pénitence pour mériter l'amour. Reportez-vous à l'un des sites traitant de la pièce. Je vous conseille celui-ci :

    The first two sentences and the title given to this excerpt suggest that all the efforts Hatsue has made to conceal and protect her love have been wasted. The second sentence already ,gives out a clue; she shouldn't be dating or seeing a boy from a different cultural background. She doesn'tr feel quite right about it.
    Question about the definition of love
    There are several kinds of love. The love you feel for your folks (parents), or your children, and then there is Love, that is the feeling that makes you feel you are going to die the ,moment the person you love is out of reach. That is Love at first sight. Unlike most people who one day meet and fall, in love without knowing why, Ishmael and Hatsue had always known who the other was for they had always lived side by side, as long as they could remember. They had nothing to discover about each other, fate held no surprise to them

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