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    Epreuve orale (1)


    Messages : 340
    Date d'inscription : 20/10/2007

    Epreuve orale (1) Empty Epreuve orale (1)

    Message  jeanlouis Sam 6 Sep - 18:05

    Epreuve orale

    Cette épreuve permet d'évaluer vos compétences linguistiques à partir d'un document étudié en classe et choisi par l'examinateur sur la liste présentée par le candidat. Elle comporte une lecture d'un passage du texte. Une présentation du texte. L'entretien qui suit cette présentation est destiné à évaluer le candidat à réagir spontanément aux questions de l'examinateur (trice). Cette seconde partie prend généralement appui sur le document étudié.

    Voici quelques idées utiles pour la présentation de vos différents textes.
    Texte : Brian Moore, "The Luck og Ginger Coffey "
    Among the solitaries
    Le thème principal de cet extrait est le contraste entre les espoirs que peuvent nourrir les émigrants et les réalités auxquelles ils sont confrontés lorsqu'ils deviennent immigrants.
    About the author
    Brian Moore was born in 1921 and died in 1999. He emigrated to Ca,ada in 1948, where he bacame a reporter on the Montreal Gazette. He then moved to the U.S.A in 1958, but he retained his Canadian citizenship.
    There are strong links between the author's life and that of the character named Ginger Coffey. The passage deals with a funny, sometimes tragic tale of one unforgettable Irish immigrants to montreal. Buoyed by unfailing optimism, Ginger confronts the ugly realities of life in the New World. Jobs are scarce, people often inhuman. And dreams of glory do not offer any lasting escape from the hard pinch of poverty.
    Question "Why do you think people emigrate ?"
    Most people emigrate because they are unhappy in their home countries. They may be jobless, and destitute and sometimes close to starvation. Many people nowadays are pushed / driven out of their own countries by ruthless dictators and they apply for political asylum in democratic countries. Some really dream of making a new start / starting from scratch in a land of opportunity.
    What does the photograph suggest to you ? Relate it to the titles.
    The picture may be what new immigrants to Canada may see from afar after setting foot on Canadian soil. Compared to their poverty-stricken countries this sight is that of opulence and wealth. But the sheer size of the city and its building may account for <what the subtitle seems to suggest, i. e, (id est), that one might soon find oneself in utter solitude in the midst of such an environment.
    Pour une interrogation sur ce texte. Il vous faut revoir les questions vues en classe du type: "identify the charcters prexent in the passage; Pick out as much information as you can about the main character. What discrepancy is emphasized in this text ?

    Pour tous les textes portant sur l'immigration. N'oubliez pas de citer le fameux poème de Emma Lazarus étudié en première.

    Symbole de l'accueil aux immigrants, la Statue de la Liberté le devint encore plus en 1903 lorsque fut inscrit sur une tablette de bronze fixée sur le piédestal le poème d'Emma Lazarus "The New Colossus".

    Donnez-moi vos pauvres, vos fatigués,
    Vos masses entassées qui ont soif de liberté,
    Les gens rejetés de vos côtes surpeuplées,
    Envoyez-moi les sans-abri, les ballottés par les tempêtes.
    Près de la porte d'or, je lève mon flambeau au dessus de ma tête.

    The New Colossus, poème d'Emma Lazarus

    Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
    Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
    Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
    Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
    "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
    With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

    texte. Penelope Lively:" A long Night at Abu Simbel"

    Package tour.
    Penelope Lively was born in Cairo, Egypt in 1933 and spent her childhood there. She came to England at the age of twelve. She married in England and won several literary awards, among which the Booker prize and the Whitebread Award. Her litrary career is prolofic. She has written children's books ans as as numerous short stories and novels.

    we can see a group of tourists hiking / trekking in line through a dry and hot place, on a sunny day. The photo may have been taken in
    The text
    is a excerpt from a short story "A long Night at Abu Simbel", published in 1986. The text is a third-person narrative focalizing on the point of view of Julie, a tour leader escorting a group of Britishn tourists on a package tour in Egypt, from Cairo to Abu Simbel. It soonb appears that, on the one hand, a fair numberr of the tourists are very finicky and particular about thir travelling conditions, and on th other hand, the way the tour has been organized is far from perfect. These two aspcts of th trip add up to make Julie realize that she is not cut out for this job; she makes up her mind to give up tour leading in favour of a position as secretary and she eventually "snaps" and dumps th group/ leaves th group behind in Abu Simbel, without even warning them in advance/takes a French leave/ leaves without warning.
    Revoir les questions abordées en classe: Where: country ? places ? itinerary ?
    Julie is escorting a group of Britishntourists in Egypt, from Cairo ,to Abu Simbel travelling down south, up the Nile.........
    julie's attitude
    Throughout the passage she tries to endure all the tourists' complaints ands demands, and she manages to refrain from telling them what she really thinks.
    describe the photo p.14

    What are the advantages and drawbacks of package tours ?
    Advantages: you don't nhave to ,plan everything by yourself; evrything is planned in advance for you; you don't nhave to worry about anything; you can concentrate on what is interesting to see; And it is sometimes better to be part of a group; you meet different people, with whom you can share your reactions.
    Drawbacks: You have no real freedom; even if you want to stay a bit longer in one place, or you want to change somthing in th organization of the trip, you can't, because you have to respect a fixed schedule. You have to be with nthe same group; but you cannot really choose, but you may get fed up with seeing the same,people everyday; and there are placves where groups are not easily accepted. At times you can't bear with people always flocking together. Can't put up with the band and waggon effect.

    texte : Joan Beck 'Color Blindness' Tiger Woods, the Cabvlinasian

    La photographie montre la cérémonie de passation de la célèbre veste verte d'Augusta: le vainqueur de l'édition précédente ( l'Anglais nick Faldo, en 1996) aide la vainqueur de l'année 1997 à enfiler cette veste hautement symbolique de l'appartenance à une élite longtemps excluisivement blanche (le club d'Augusta à d'ailleurs longtemps refusé l'accès au joeurs noirs).
    l'image du golf, encore un peu élitist en France, est très populaire en Grande-Bretagne. Souvenez-vous de l'acronyme GOLF (Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden). c'est dire si ce sport était élitiste !
    vos connaissances culturelles sur une société multiraciale comme les Etats-Unis doivent montrer en quoi vous connaissez ce que sous-tend l'expression "melting-pot"(le creuset).
    The American people is a mixture / a patchwork of various ethnic groups. The first one from a historical point of view is now called "Native Amaricans". These people were made of a number of tribes suchnas the Navajos, the Apaches, the Sioux. Then came white Europeans (commonly called the WASP, another acronym : White anglo-saxon Protestants).
    They mainly came from England and ireland from the seventeenth century to the mid-ninteenth century).
    The Mayflower was the famous ship that transported the English Separatists, better known as the Pilgrims, from Plymouth, England, to Plymouth, Massachusetts (which would become the capital of Plymouth Colony), in 1620. Revoir aussi le "Mayflower Compact" vu en première.
    La question qui vous sera posée sur ce texte sera:
    " Do sports always reflect the diversityn of a population. Give various examples ."
    it took quite a long time for coloured nsportsmen to be recognized in such sports as baseball, tennis, or golf; but on the other hand, other sports, such as baseball, or soccer, have welcomed a high proportion of coloured players. Some sports still show a form of segregation, though that trend is disappearing, while other seem to be the stronghold of black sportsmen, for instance basketball, or some track-and-field specialities ( for instance the 100-meter dash). On the contrary, there seems to be vey few black high-leval swimmers, or cyclists, for example. So some sports do not reflect the diversity of a population.
    N'oubliez pas différents noms de sportifs noirs qui ont contribué à faire tomber à faire tomber de la discrimination. Jackie Robinson, le premier joueur de baseball noir.He broke baseball's colour barrier when he was hired by the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947. Jesse owens: champion de course à pieds à qui Hitler refusa de serrer la main après sa victoire aux J.O de Munich en 1936. Arthur Ashe. He won five major titles. Australian Singles,1970,, British Open in 175. Le dernier ncité: Ted Rhodes, mort en 1969, fut en fait le vrai précurseur de Tiger Woods. Après 13 ans de procès, il est à l'origine de la suppression de l'obligatioin d'être "caucasien" dans les statuts de la Professional Golfers' Association.
    Une autre question portera sur les "unhyphenated people" (les gens naturalisés). Such as the chinese immigrants= Asian-Americans etc.....
    d'où le sub-heading " The Cablinesian" (chapeau en terme journalistique)

    Texte: William Trevor Felicia's journey.
    The human comedy
    Publié en 1994 ce livre a obtenu la même année le Whitebread book of the Year Award
    Full of hope,seventeen-year-old Felicia crosses the Irish Sea to England to ind her lover Johnny Lysaght who works "in the stores of a lawn-mower factory", in order to tell him that she is pregnant. She desperately searches through the post-industrial Midlands; "the Birmingham area". But unable to ind Johnny, she is found by Mr Hilditch, a nineteen-and-half catering manager, collector and befriender of homeless girls.
    Le texte est un "flashback" (retour en arrière): elle attend l'autobus quelques jours après son arrivée en Angleterre. Félicia se rappelle mot pour lot la conversation qu'elle a eue avec la mère de Johnny.

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